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Saturday, July 27, 2024

Ansarudeen Celebrates A Century Of Islamic Impact


The Ansarudeen Islamic Society, established in December 1923, marks a significant milestone as it reaches its 100th year of existence. Since its inception, the society has remained steadfast in its mission to propagate Islam across various facets, placing a special emphasis on education and moral development.

Photo Credit: Abdulwahab Salau

Dedicated to serving the community, Ansarudeen has actively pursued charitable initiatives, extending its support to the impoverished and orphaned within its vicinity. This commitment to philanthropy underscores the society’s broader objective of fostering a compassionate and inclusive Islamic society.

Photo Credit: Abdulwahab Salau

In commemoration of its centenary, the national executive officers have embarked on a series of events, including a visit to the Suleja Emirate Council. The program also features visits to orphanages and other community-based initiatives, highlighting Ansarudeen’s enduring commitment to social responsibility.

Photo Credit: Abdulwahab Salau

The centenary celebration not only reflects on the society’s rich history but also serves as a testament to its unwavering dedication to promoting Islamic values and positively impacting society. Abdulwahab Salau, a prominent figure within Ansarudeen, is at the forefront of these celebratory endeavors.

By Abdulwahab Salau

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