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Saturday, July 27, 2024

IPOB Urges Nigerians To Ignore Femi Fani Kayode


The Media and Publicity Secretary of the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB), Comrade Emma Powerful, has lambasted a former Minister of Aviation, Mr. Femi Fani Kayode, for comparing the IPOB movement with Boko Haram and IPOB leader, Mazi Nnamdi Kanu, with Boko Haram founder late Mohammed Yusuf.

Comrade Powerful described the utterance as “unguided” and coming from a “political stomach infrastructure” former Minister, as well as scandalous.

He also described Fani-Kayode as a known serial blackmailer, a chameleon, a half mad man, morally bankrupt whose ranting is a hoax for political appointment and should be ignored.

In a press release entitled “IPOB and Mazi Nnamdi Kanu remains peaceful and incorruptible; morally bankrupt Femi Kayode ranting is a hoax for political appointment“, the IPOB scribe noted that Fani-Kayode is capable of speaking good of the devil as if it is an angel, if only he is paid or see food on his table.

He further recalled that Fani-Kayode was a madman who was halfway treated in Ghana.

“It is unfortunate that the treacherous and dishonorable man FFK used our leader, Mazi Nnamdi Kanu, to attract attention and popularity to himself, but his recent statement showed that he is an unrepentant betrayer of an honorable man.

“He pretentiously praised MNK while seeking an opportunity to sell him off as Judas, but Mazi Nnamdi Kanu, being an anointed one, didn’t oblige him with any information.

“The greedy and insatiable FFK associated with MNK and IPOB movement to the point of scamming people in the pretense of linking them to Mazi Nnamdi Kanu.

“He is an extremely arrogant, corrupt, political betrayer, myopic, demented and violent man. Like father like son.

“FFK is a serial divorcee who fathered many children from different women just as his father.

“He is an unstable man who can’t maintain any reliable marital or political relationships because of his excess greed for money.

“A goat cannot beget a lion. A son of betrayer will always be a betrayer.”

He added: “Femi Fani-Kayode is a career sycophant and a boot licker of whoever puts food on his table. A political harlot.

“Whenever he sees money and food on his table, he talks like a possessed parrot.

“He and his ancestors are known for betraying their tribe and friends for power and money at any given opportunity. Such a fellow can betray anyone just to grab power.

“FFK is broke and desperate, fearing that Tinubu’s government seems to have ignored him.

“He is now a barking dog for the government of the same man he called unprintable names. He accused Tinubu of drug trafficking and of looting Lagos treasury in viral videos.

“No wonder he is spewing rubbish against Mazi Nnamdi Kanu, whom he literally worshipped and called a bossom friend.

“This rant is a hoax to get a political appointment in Tinubu’s administration. Only unserious government will give a political appointment to an unrepentant traitor.”

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