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Saturday, July 27, 2024

Soludo Threatens To Sack All President Of Market Unions


Anambra State Governor, Professor Chukwuma Soludo has threatened to sack all presidents of the various market unions and leadership of motor parks in five local government areas of the state if the activities of touts in those areas continue.

The affected local government areas are Onitsha North, Onitsha South, Oyi , Ogbaru and Idemili North.

Soludo said in Onitsha during the official launch of the Anambra Ant- Tout Squad on Monday, that his administration would not tolerate leaders who harbour and connive with touts to harass, intimidate and rip off innocent traders.


The governor’s action followed reports of the increasing menace of touts and miscreants in the markets. He regretted that touts were intimidating and ripping off innocent traders who come to do business in the area .

According to him, by the end of March next year when the tenure of the present market leaders would end, they will not be renewed if activities of touts were seen to be continuing.

Looking around and not seeing the market leaders during his visit, Soludo asked: “Where are the market leaders? Mr President where are your colleagues in the market ? “


He added: “They are supposed to be here. All the same, you know that your tenure would end in March next year and come April 1st next year, we are not going to renew your tenures because of what the touts are doing in the markets and some of you are using those touts to rip off innocent traders and members of the public and make money.

“I want to make it clear that if any tout is found in your markets, we are not going to renew your tenures and all of you will be sacked.

“We have five local government areas where these touts operate, which are Onitsha North and South, Oyi , Ogbaru and Idemili North and I had announced that those petty traders should not pay tax or any levy at all, but the market leaders use the touts to obtain money from them.”


Soludo recalled that in the past, people came from the North and other parts of the country to do business in Onitsha, lamenting however, that due to the activities of the touts the economy of Onitsha and indeed Anambra State has been badly affected.,

Also speaking, the Commissioner for Homeland Matters, Chief Chikodi Anarah warned all the touts in Anambra State to leave the state immediately, as the state government would not spare anyone found touting in any part of the state.

He said that the operations of the Anti- Tout Squad would continue until touts leave the state completely, warning that anyone found without any lawful and visible means of livelihood in the parks would face the full weight of the law.


Chairman Onitsha South local government area Mr Emeka Orji, who spoke on behalf of the five council chairmen, promised to work with the new outfit to rid the area of touting.

He revealed that they have been battling with touts before now, adding that their efforts were already yielding results.


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