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U.S. Announces $38 Million In Humanitarian Aid For Children Of Sudan

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Nairobi, Kenya, June 24, 2024 — Today, the United States, through the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), announced an additional $38 million in humanitarian assistance for the people of Sudan, including $23 million dedicated to the UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF) to support ongoing assistance for Sudanese children. USAID Deputy Assistant Administrator for Africa Tyler Beckelman made the announcement at the “Unite with the Children of Sudan” event in Nairobi, Kenya, organized by USAID, UNICEF, and Save the Children.

This new funding brings the total U.S. government humanitarian assistance to Sudan to over $1.4 billion since October 2022. The ongoing 14-month conflict between the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) and Rapid Support Forces (RSF) has severely impacted the country, leaving an estimated 14 million children, more than half of Sudan’s 24 million children, in desperate need of humanitarian aid. Nearly four million children are expected to face acute malnutrition in 2024.

Fourteen months of warfare have devastated the lives of millions of Sudanese children. Our commitment to humanitarian aid reflects the urgent need to provide food, medicine, and essential services,” stated Tyler Beckelman. “With this support, we hope to alleviate some of the immense suffering and address the critical needs of the most vulnerable.

Impact of the Conflict and Need for Assistance

The conflict has created famine-like conditions, especially in Khartoum and parts of the Darfur region, with an increasing risk of famine during the June to September lean season. Humanitarian efforts are severely hampered by the ongoing obstruction from both SAF and RSF, preventing the delivery of crucial aid.

UNICEF, with the additional support from USAID, will continue its relief efforts, which include screening millions of children for malnutrition and operating over 1,000 safe spaces in Sudan. These spaces provide conflict-affected children with access to counseling, learning, and protection services, addressing their mental health, development, and wellbeing. Additionally, USAID’s support will bolster UNICEF’s maternal and child health services, including essential vaccination campaigns in the Darfur and Kordofan regions.

UNICEF’s work on the ground is vital for the survival and wellbeing of Sudanese children,” said Henrietta Fore, UNICEF Executive Director. “With the additional funding, we can reach more children with the help they urgently need.

Call for Ceasefire and Humanitarian Access

The U.S. government continues to stand with the people of Sudan amid the ongoing conflict. While financial support is critical, USAID emphasizes that the cessation of hostilities is essential for the effective delivery of humanitarian aid.

While robust funding is vital, it is not enough. The warring parties must immediately cease hostilities and allow safe and unhindered access for humanitarian staff and supplies,” urged Beckelman. “The international community must ensure that aid reaches those in desperate need across Sudan.

Event Highlights

The “Unite with the Children of Sudan” event in Nairobi aimed to highlight the severe challenges faced by young Sudanese amid the prolonged conflict. The gathering brought together representatives from USAID, UNICEF, Save the Children, and other humanitarian organizations to discuss strategies for enhancing aid delivery and advocating for the rights and protection of Sudanese children.

The collaboration between USAID, UNICEF, and our partners is crucial in responding to this humanitarian crisis. We are committed to doing everything possible to support the children and families affected by this conflict“, states Henrietta Fore.


Editor: Gabriel Ani

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